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Reported Resistance Case(s)

Species: anopheles funestus

Order Family Common Name(s) Group Host
diptera culicidae anopheles mosquito MED

Active Ingredient: propoxur

MOA: Acetylcholine esterase inhibitors, Carbamates
Group: CAR CAS #: 114261 Shaugnessy Code: 47802

Resistance Case(s)

Case Id Year of Report Type of Resistance Location Reference
G18234 2014 Field Evolved Resistance
Luapula --
Nchelenge District
Choi, K., Christian, R., Nardini, L., Wood, O., Agubuzo, E., Muleba, M., Munyati, S., Makuwaza, A., Koekemoer, L., Brooke, B., Hunt, R., and Coetzee, M. (2014). Insecticide resistance and role in malaria transmission of Anopheles funestus populations from Zambia and Zimbabwe. Parasites & Vectors, 7 464.
G18218 2014 Field Evolved Resistance
Honde Valley
Choi, K., Christian, R., Nardini, L., Wood, O., Agubuzo, E., Muleba, M., Munyati, S., Makuwaza, A., Koekemoer, L., Brooke, B., Hunt, R., and Coetzee, M. (2014). Insecticide resistance and role in malaria transmission of Anopheles funestus populations from Zambia and Zimbabwe. Parasites & Vectors, 7 464.
G18227 2014 Field Evolved Resistance
Luapula --
Nchelenge District
Choi, K., Christian, R., Nardini, L., Wood, O., Agubuzo, E., Muleba, M., Munyati, S., Makuwaza, A., Koekemoer, L., Brooke, B., Hunt, R., and Coetzee, M. (2014). Insecticide resistance and role in malaria transmission of Anopheles funestus populations from Zambia and Zimbabwe. Parasites & Vectors, 7 464.
G18244 2014 Field Evolved Resistance
Luapula --
Nchelenge District
Choi, K., Christian, R., Nardini, L., Wood, O., Agubuzo, E., Muleba, M., Munyati, S., Makuwaza, A., Koekemoer, L., Brooke, B., Hunt, R., and Coetzee, M. (2014). Insecticide resistance and role in malaria transmission of Anopheles funestus populations from Zambia and Zimbabwe. Parasites & Vectors, 7 464.
G18250 2014 Field Evolved Resistance
Luapula --
Nchelenge District
Choi, K., Christian, R., Nardini, L., Wood, O., Agubuzo, E., Muleba, M., Munyati, S., Makuwaza, A., Koekemoer, L., Brooke, B., Hunt, R., and Coetzee, M. (2014). Insecticide resistance and role in malaria transmission of Anopheles funestus populations from Zambia and Zimbabwe. Parasites & Vectors, 7 464.
G7548 2006 Field Evolved Resistance
Japan Casimiro, S., Coleman, M., Mohloai, P., Hemingway, J., and Sharp, B. (2006). Insecticide Resistance in Anopheles funestus (Diptera: Culicidae) from Mozambique. Journal of Medical Entomology, 43(2) 267-275.
*The population was created solely by selection and/or genetic manipulation.
**The population was selected further in the laboratory after collection.