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Reported Resistance Case(s)

Species: bucculatrix thurberiella

Order Family Common Name(s) Group Host
lepidoptera lyonetiidae cotton leaf perforator AG cotton

Active Ingredient: parathion-methyl

MOA: Acetylcholine esterase inhibitors, Organophophates
Group: OP CAS #: 298000 Shaugnessy Code: 53501

Resistance Case(s)

Case Id Year of Report Type of Resistance Location Reference
G2602 1974 Field Evolved Resistance
Ware 1974. (1974).
G1571 1969 Field Evolved Resistance
Rice, R. F., Reynolds, H. T. and Cudney, D. W. (1969). Organophosphorus resistance of cotton leaf perforator in areas infested by pink bollworm.. Calif. Agric., 23 13-14.
G1449 1968 Field Evolved Resistance
Mexico Von Eickstedt 1968. (1968).
*The population was created solely by selection and/or genetic manipulation.
**The population was selected further in the laboratory after collection.